Checks and Balances Network

Network for Checks and Balances bring together various groups aiming to facilitate participatory and comprehensive process for the permanent peace

14.1.2016 - Read: 3321
Network for Checks and Balances bring together various

Checks and Balances Network brings together different groups through the building of a participatory and comprehensive process to achieve permanent peace. The Network performed the first of the meetings which are organized with the aim of getting process-embracing views from different segments of society on January 14, 2016 together with the expert-group composed of academicians and journalists. The first of the meetings held on Thursday, January 14, 2016 in Istanbul with the aims of obtaining proprietorial views from different parts of the society and forming suggestions targeting a participatory and comprehensive process for permanent peace were realized with attendance of the experts in fields of academy and journalism. During the first meeting organized with the experts from the fields of politics, law and international relations, the current political and societal situation was scrutinized. Furthermore, an exchange of views took place with regard to the reason of the involvement of the Network within the building of the process and the related fields focused on, and the elimination of the current obstacles by means of the possible concrete steps to be taken in the course of process building.