
The Marmara Group Foundation visits Romania

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - Read: 4050
The Marmara Group Foundation visits Romania

The delegation of The Marmara Group Foundation, who had been in Romania with the occasion of a meeting with New Strategy Center that is localized in Bucharest, was accepted by Ionut Vulpescu, Minister of Culture of Romania. The Marmara Group Foundation delegation, which consisted of Ambassador of Republic of Turkey in Bucharest Koray Ertaş, Dr. Fatih Saraçoğlu, Şamil Ayrım and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, was accepted by the third president of Romania H.E. Emil Constantinescu after the meeting with Ionut Vulpescu, Minister of Culture. The details of 20. Eurasian Economic Summit was discussed in the meeting. The delegation had dinner with Teodor Melescanu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania later on.

                H.E. Ionut Vulpescu, Minister of Culture of Romania                                    H.E. Emil Constantinescu, The Third president of Romania 

                                                        H.E. Teodor Melescanu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania