
Visit to Şeyhülislam Allahşükür Paşazade

Monday, December 19, 2022 - Read: 414
Visit to Şeyhülislam Allahşükür Paşazade

Allahşükür Paşazade, the Religious Leader of the Caucasian Muslims and the Sheikhul Islam of Azerbaijan, received the President of the Marmara Group Foundation Dr. Akkan Suver and the Secretary-General Cafer Okray who continued their visits in Baku. President of AFEZ Valeh Aleskerov was also present at the reception. Dr. Akkan Suver presented the latest information about the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit and bestowed the official invitation letter of Şeyhülislam Allahşükür Paşazade. Dr. Akkan Suver presented the latest information about the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit and presented the official invitation letter of Şeyhülislam Allahşükür Paşazade. 

Click for the news about the meeting at social medya account of Şeyhülislam Allahşükür Paşazade: