
Our Second Webinar Held on Zoom

Saturday, September 12, 2020 - Read: 1629
Our Second Webinar Held on Zoom

Within the scope of the EU Project we are conducting, the second of the webinar series was held with the participation of Yasemin KÜLTÜR, the Secretary-General of the Turkish Women's Union. Students participated in the webinar, where information was given about the activities of the Turkish Women's Union as part of the webinar.

In this webinar, in which we highlighted the important points on the influence of non-governmental organizations in the functioning of the legislative and executive organs, we mainly focused on three issues. These are respectively; the Istanbul Convention and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination women in Turkey (CEDAW), the gains of the women's rights and the importance of the pathways for youth participation in the democratic process. We concluded at the end of the webinar that a society that has managed to organize is one that has proven that its democracy works well.

Yasemin Kültür's sentences; ‘’ Dear young people; please enter politics. Do not be afraid. We do not have the right to complain about where we live. Everyone has to take responsibility.’’ were encouraging for the young participants.