
Macedonian Consul General Zerrin Abaz bid farewell to Marmara Group Foundation

Wednesday, April 4, 2018 - Read: 2979
Macedonian Consul General Zerrin Abaz bid farewell to M

Zerrin Abaz, who served as the Consul General of Macedonia in Istanbul for nearly a decade, made a farewell visit to the Marmara Group Foundation. Consul General Zerrin Abaz, who served with great success during her time in Istanbul, presented a memorial gift of the Macedoian Consulate General to Dr. Akkan Suver for his successful services. Müjgan Suver was also present at the visit. Emphasizing that Consul General Zerrin Abaz has an unforgettable place in the Marmara Group Foundation, Dr. Suver thanked Zerrin Abaz on behalf of the Marmara Group Foundation for her sincere behavior.