

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - Read: 4129

President of the IHKIB Hon. Hikmet Tanrıverdi, Dr. Akkan Suver and Mrs. Nejla Güvenç, arranging a press conference regarding the 18th Eurasian Economic Summit which was organized by Marmara Group Foundation to be held on 7-9 April, 2015 in Istanbul, have stated that this coming Summit is highly accepted also apart from Turkey.

While the meeting WHİCH Dr. Akkan Suver presented extensive information regarding the 18th Economic Summit, Hon. Hikmet Tanrıverdi has also made a statement considering the textile industry.

During the meeting, famous designer Nejla Güvenç (Nej) stated that she would be very pleased to have this kind of opportunity.

Dr. Akkan Suver indicated that alongside the energy, finance and communication Technologies, during the Summit there will be also terrorist incidents to bring into question.

We would like to salute you with our respects for your participation to our press conference together with the president of IHKIB Mr. Hikmet Tanrıverdi, famous fashion designer Ms. Nej, Secretary General of Marmara Group Foundation Dr. Fatih Saraçoğlu.

Today, Eurasian Economic Summits turned to a prestigious unity. This event is accepted in Balkans, Caucasus and also as it is in Europe and Far East.

President of Montenegro H.E. Filip Vujanovic, President of Macedonia H.E. Prof. Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, Vice President of Azerbaijan H.E. Prof. Dr. Ali Hasanov, Prime Minister of Bosnia Herzegovina H.E. Vjekoslav Bevanda and together with him the President of the Federation H.E. Marinko Cavara will attend to our Summit.

As of today, from Turkey the President of the Parliament H.E. Cemil Çiçek and the Minister of Health Dr. Mehmet Muezzinoglu will be in our Summit.

From 40 different countries, Vice Prime Ministers, Ministers, Religious leaders, and politicians will attend to the Summit.

We would like you to know that we are putting high importance to the TANAP project between Azerbaijan – Turkey. TANAP is not just an economy or energy project, because of that we are opening the floor for this with a session in our Summit.

Last year in our Summit we announced that we accept Silk Road as a philosophy of the era. This year we put to the agenda the Silk Road again.

We will put our agenda, informatics technology, economy and energy beside chaos of intolerance that we are living and terrorism which is not incompatible with humanity. We know well that without geography with democracy, stability, trust and respect, prosperity, strong economy, or ideas cannot alive.  Hence we have to put an end to this barbarity on the Middle East and Africa.

By the way we will talk over the neutral policy of Turkmenistan which in its 20th year.

All this which I mentioned are the social and political agenda of our Summit.

In our opening ceremony we will watch a fashion show led by IHKIB by famous designer Ms. Nej creation named “Sadou Collection” at the date of April 7, 2015 evening in Istanbul WOW Hotel.

This fashion show will represent Turkey’s contemporary face to our foreign guests and the world.

Me and my friends, appreciate the high support of IHKIB and Mr. Hikmet Tanrıverdi. Also we would like to represent our thanks to Ms. Nej, for her contribution to this year on behalf of Marmara Group Foundation.

We believe that with this fashion show which will be held in our opening, the message to Europe and Asia will generate an significant example of the high performance of Turkish designers. Once more in the presence of you I am presenting my thanks to Mr. Hikmet Tanrıverdi and Ms. Nej.